What We Do With UW Partners
Startup Funding
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Product Validation
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Partnership Management
Sales & Marketing
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Technical Development & Management
See how WCEPS worked with UW partners to expand their impact and reach a larger audience.
"WCEPS has been an invaluable resource in moving our CALL survey from a research project to a viable marketable product. Their ongoing commitment to our success and their support through product development, navigating the legal requirements of setting up a business, marketing and sales have been invaluable. I have no doubt that we would not have been able to pursue a successful transition from discovery to product without WCEPS' support!"
- Carolyn Kelley
Jim and Georgia Thompson Distinguished Chair in Education,
Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis,
University of Wisconsin - Madison, School of Education
Our Products and Services
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WIDA develops and provides proven tools and support to help learners, and their educators, succeed. WCEPS is the sole source provider of materials sold on the WIDA Store website and provider of WIDA-licensed workshops.
The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) provides customized services and unique tools to support professional growth, leadership development, and school improvement planning.
In collaboration with Dr. Norman Webb, the developer of Depth of Knowledge (DOK), we promote effective and accurate use of this innovative language system.
The Discussion Project is a professional learning series for university instructors. Its aim is to strengthen university instructors' capacity to create welcoming, engaging, and academically rigorous classroom environments.
The AIW Institute offers professional development and capacity building using the Framework for Authentic Intellectual Work, developed by Drs. Fred Newmann, M. Bruce King, and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
The number one resource for student placement exams. A national partnership between the University of Wisconsin System and Castle Worldwide delivering research-proven college placement tests with the industry’s most reliable test engine.