Case Studies

Logo for Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning

WCEPS uses diverse expertise to continue and expand impact and effectiveness of school leadership tool


The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) school improvement system was created in 2009 via a federal grant by Carolyn Kelley and Richard Halverson

During the grant, the team created an online, user-friendly school-wide needs assessment and feedback system for school improvement. This tool focused on:

  • Distributed leadership across the school building

  • Assessing needs for school Improvement

  • The specific tasks in a school as opposed to a specific person

What made this assessment unique is its focus on school leadership. CALL was built on the principles that:

  • School leadership is critical to enhancing teaching and learning

  • Leadership is not confined a single person

  • Data should be practical and action-oriented

  • Support for practitioners is best provided through inquiry-based coaching processes


Program creators needed someone to assist in the commercialization of the product once the grant ended


WCEPS was able to use its expertise to upgrade a commercial product to take to market and enhanced and expanded the offerings of CALL

  • Developed a commercial product from the grant product

  • Guided PIs through copyright licensing process with University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • Invested in staff so WCEPS had in-house CALL expertise

  • Developed and executed sales and marketing strategy

  • Added additional reporting capabilities and other features

  • Ensured platform met data security requirements of districts


As these strategies were implemented CALL began to grow and increase impact

  • Partnered with UW and PIs to get license for new survey call Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning/Equity-Centered Leadership

  • Continued long-standing partnership with WestEd to support their work in professional development and technical assistance

  • Enhanced CALL reporting features while considering use of AI for user experience

  • Expand impact of CALL through versioning and meeting various school, district and state needs

Map with location of schools participating in the CALL program